Rehabilitation of 2.2 acres of the L52 Excess Flow basin at the Creve Coeur Pump Station. The existing detention basin was previously constructed by The Owner to temporarily store above ground sanitary sewage during high flow events. The first time MSD used the basin during a high flow event, the sanitary sewage stored above grade in the detention basin seeped through the sandy soils and disappeared. The purpose of this project was to construct a rehabilitated basin floor that would seal the existing soils, therefore, keeping wastewater from entering the ground water. We imported 341 tons of Bentonite from Wyoming and 340 tons of Portland Cement to be amended into the existing soils. Creve Coeur MSD is an example of Keeley Construction’s commitment to public clients and public projects that benefit our communities. Sometimes these are not the “sexy” jobs that catch everyone's attention, but rather serve the needs of a community.